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... yes we do!

Prefab Construction

Sustainable, High-Quality, and High-Precision,
Prefabricated and Modular Houses and Buildings For Future Generations

Overview of TROHIS Production Capacity

To date, we successfully installed more then 95 houses and buildings, spanning more than 46000 square meters of constructed space, and the company has multiple projects currently in various stages of production.

Thanks to our facilities in Europe, we can produce over 3500 square meters per month, and quickly reach customers in EMEA, US and Canada.

Years of innovative R&D, combined with extensive testing of materials and constructions used, has enabled us to develop considerable capacities for prefab/modular in-factory production of fully ready houses and buildings that homeowners, businesses and organizations can enjoy for generations.

We rely on its fully developed technology, and hand-picked European and US suppliers of materials, which allow us to quickly expand our production capacity, enabling us to provide dozens of houses monthly, and thousands of square meters of modern buildings annually.

Do you have any ideas in mind?

Contact us

TROHIS manufacturing facilities are based in the southeast European city of Prishtina, capital of the Republic of Kosovo.

When customers order a house or a building at TROHIS, our clients can expect a highly controlled sequential manufacturing process, during which professionally equipped teams with the help of specialized machinery together assemble the requested building’s module frames, they install windows, roof and bottom, including ventilation, recuperation, heating and air conditioning.

Then they move the modules to install other sections such as: electricity, water supply and sewerage. Afterwards, teams complete the exterior finish, and finalize everything by completing the interior finish including bathroom, kitchen and furniture installation.